From the Six Nations in the northeast, to the Dine' in the Southwest, to the Cherokee in the Southeast, to the Salish in the Northwest, to the Cree in the Plains North of the border to the Tarahumara South of the border and certainly to the Lakota and others in the Central Plains, the pipe has been a symbol of prayer and ceremony to all our Native American people for thousands of years. It was a physical link between a loving Creator and his children, banished to this world for a period of time, with the hopes of one day returning to His presence. By some called a peace pipe, it has always been the very semblance of the peace and harmony that all those that truly walk this road seek amongst a world of confusion.
It is important for this reason that a pipe not be taken lightly. It is in fact a heavy burden to carry, because it is not only for oneself, but for the people. Such a choice should be made with the help of a medicine person. It is best when an individual makes a personal pipe for themselves, but when a person does not have the time or ability to do so, it is not unusual for someone else to do so for them. When we do so, it is with prayer. Each pipe is made with the individual in mind.
We make traditional STYLE pipes, but oft times from very unique stones. Red pipestone is most common, but with the dwindling supply, as well as different ceremonial needs and individual preferences, its good to have pipes of other colors. This set of pipes honors the colors of the four directions among our Lakota people.
All the above are made from natural materials and colors Of the stones, the red is pipestone, the white is alabaster, the yellow is onyx and the black is pipestone. Of the woods, the red is cedar, the white is holly, the yellow is yellow-heart, and the black is ebony.
Each stone, as well as each individual has its own personality and character. There is the most well know red pipestone, also called Catlinite from Minnesota, but here in the Southwest we also have red pipestone from New Mexico, Arizona and Utah. We can be sure there are others. Alabaster comes from many places, including the White Translucent from Italy. The Orange Translucent Alabaster comes from Utah.
There are almost as many alabasters as there are people. Our Ute people and
others have been making Alabaster pipes for many years. Each year nearly a
quarter of the twelve pipes featured in the annual calendar of pipes are
alabaster. Alabaster is a stone a little softer than pipestone, but certainly
harder than soapstone. With proper construction and care they can last many
years and provide many very unique colors and textures. As
with many of the pictures on our pages to see a larger view, click on the
The above pipes are typical Plains style Men's Pipes, but the Plains style women's pipes are available in the same stones.
Black Pipestone, White Marble and Yellow Onyx are all very hard stones, but make very long-lasting pipes. It takes much longer to make such a pipe, but it is sometimes worth it for the high polish and durability.
Each of our Native American Nations has its own style of pipe for different occasions. What you see on this page are primarily Plains style, but we certainly do others as well. As a pipe maker we have the ability to help you with what you need.
General pricing and information can be found at our online catalog. Please don't hesitate to contact us with your questions regarding style, color, pricing or purpose.
We can custom make most any effigy desired, either as part of a standard "T" or elbow pipe, or whole pipe effigy as in the buffalo to the left or the eagle below. We can also add a fetish to the stem or engrave feathers or other figures to a standard "T" or elbow pipe.
We can also do specialty pipes of the nations such as the Cherokee Pipe below or other unique stone and wood combinations. These are just a few of the very many possibilities of what we can do. Please email us below to discuss your needs.
With the epidemic of disease such, as diabetes and cancer to mention just a couple, killing our Native people at an alarming rate, we have taken a special interest in health consciousness, especially since the vast majority of such illness is preventable. If such an epidemic were present to any other peoples the president and the World Health Organization would be pounding the pulpit about the need to do something, but obviously instead we must help ourselves, which is as it should be because no-one is going to care as much. There is no greater slavery than illness, and when genocide has failed in other ways, this is one that is very successful. In times past we have had our sacred tobacco, but it has generally been replaced by the "tobacco" of corporate greed which is contrary to prayer. When something that is to be used in a sacred manner is produced in such a way as to encourage its use habitually, then it takes that which is meant to be sacred, and turns it to the profane. It has been said that if it were to be remembered that one always should pray when smoking, then there would either be much more praying, or much less smoking. We understand the lure of the "tobacco" of corporate greed, and in an effort to help our Native people to escape this habit, and the illnesses as a result of it, we have chosen to encourage a path that will help our Native people in a more prayerful way. As an alternative to cigarettes, we have made available what we call a pocket pipe. It is made from the same sacred red pipestone as ceremonial pipes, but can be carried in one's pocket for ease of use at any time. It also comes with a leather pouch to keep it looking good and protected from metal objects that might also be in your pocket that would scratch it. It comes in two different sizes of short (3") and long (4").
We also have available a very special herb blend tobacco as has always been traditional including all legal herbs but no commercial tobacco to cause disease or to be taxed by government entities. This traditional blend includes Bearberry Leaves, Lovage Mint, Red Sumac Bark, Red Willow Bark, Mullein, Eyebright and Yerba Santa. It is available in 1 oz., 8 oz. and 1 pound sizes. We have also put together a pocket size tobacco bag of gold deer skin to keep your favorite tobacco in. Pricing for these pocket pipes, tobacco bags and traditional tobacco can be found on our online catalog.
Inquiries concerning pipes should be directed to: