We have a full and ever expanding line of Native American Church Items.
Both brass and cast iron in both size 6 and 7 are available. They all have great sound. All have ground rims for a smooth surface to protect drum cover.
For detailed pictures and dimensions of number 6 cast iron drum kettle, click here!
For detailed pictures and dimensions of number 7 cast iron drum kettle, click here!
For detailed pictures and dimensions of number 6 solid brass drum kettle, click here!
For detailed pictures and dimensions of number 7 solid brass drum kettle, click here!
German-tanned deerskin and Brain-tanned moose-skin (as available) for both size 6 and 7 kettle drums can be ordered in our NAC Store. They are smoked and provide very good drum-skins. Other sizes are available on special order at times.
The drum sticks are made from Ebony, Rosewood, Red Heart, Sheshum and Cocobolo hard woods in both plain and carved.
Gourd rattles are maple handles, twisted leather fringe, horsehair tassels and come in small, medium and large gourds. They are peyote stitched at the fringed base, just below the gourd and at the bottom of the horsehair tassel.
Our Peyote Staff is of the traditional bow style and is made to disassemble into three pieces to fit conveniently into a gourd box. It is made of red cedar with peyote beadwork at the horsehair tassel and at the joints. Clicking on the picture will enlarge it to see detail. Feathers and eagle image are NOT included, but we can provide such painting at additional expense. It measures approximately 4 feet long.
You can view pricing or order Drumsticks and Gourd Rattles, as well as ALL NAC ITEMS by clicking on this link for our NAC Store.
Information on Cedar Gourd Boxes is available at Cedar Boxes or that navigation bar link button at the top of the page.
To view other NAC Items click here or on that navigation bar button at the top of the page.
Peyote Staffs, Fans and Tobacco Wallets will be available soon.
Direct your questions concerning NAC Items to:
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